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The distance to equal is long. Time is short
Are we on track to achieve gender equality by 2030?
Fathimath Maoona binth Anis, 15, at the beach right in front of their school in Dhiffushi, Maldives. Photo: UNICEF/Ashwa Faheem
Guest contributor|Gender data production and collection
No data, no debate: Integrating gender in the national statistical strategy in the Maldives
Photo: UN Women/Joe Saade
Research highlight|Environment
Big data analysis finds little mention of gender in climate speeches
A scene from the Palanca-Maiaki-Udobnoe border crossing point, between the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine on 1 March 2022. Photo: UN Women/Aurel Obreja
Research highlight|Peace and security
Collecting data and analysis on how the war in Ukraine is impacting women and girls
Nepal census gender-sensitive question LGBTIQ+
Impact story|Intersecting inequalities
LGBTIQ+ people feel counted through first gender-sensitive question in Nepal Census
Bangladesh time-use survey women's unpaid care. Halima Khatun helping her son with homework, Netrakona, Bangladesh. Photo: UN Women/Saikat Mojumder
Impact story|Gender data production and collection
Bangladesh blazes trails on measuring women's unpaid work
Guinea - Rural Women's Cooperative Generates Income and Improves Community Life
Research highlight|Environment
The road to a sustainable tomorrow: Tracking a COVID-19 gender-sensitive and green recovery
After flooding wiped out her livelihood, women-focused data-based disaster assistance helped Tran Thi Quyt bounce back quickly.  Photo: UN Women/Thao Hoang
Research highlight|Environment
Data on gender-specific environmental impacts ramps up, informing responses
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