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14,716 women-headed households were given priority food aid thanks in part to data produced by the Women Count Regional Programme for the Arab States.


Ugandan police join UN Women Uganda as part of the 'Orange the World' campaign to end violence against women and girls. Through its global program Women Count, UN Women’s data collection and analysis has led to policies to address violence against women in Uganda and several other countries. ©UN Women/Martin Ninsiima
Guest contributor|Gender data gaps
Gender data can reinvigorate the SDGs
A nomadic woman herding goats in Mongolia. The Mongolian National Statistics Office, supported by Woman Count, has gathered data to understand the specific needs and challenges faced by women herders due to changing environmental factors. ©FAO/K.Purevraqchaa
Research highlight|Gender data gaps
Data on gender: seeing the true picture
Indigenous women of Guatemala’s Polochic valley, who are part of a UN programme to diversify incomes. ©UN Women/Ryan
Research highlight|Economic empowerment
Poverty is not gender-neutral
Women in Mexico City  joined the 25th of November demonstration raising awareness towards the elimination of violence against women and girls. Photo: UN Women/Dzilam Méndez
Research highlight|Ending violence against women
The power of women's activism: protests against gender-based violence during COVID-19
People in Uganda commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence with a bike ride. Photo: UN Women/Martin Ninsiima
Impact story|Ending violence against women
Uganda’s violence against women survey heralds legislative and policy changes
A woman in Colombia picks Coffee beans. Photo: UN Women/Ryan Brown
Impact story|Ending violence against women
COVID-19 survey on violence against women in Colombia heralds local-level data and changes
UN Security Council during the Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security in 2019. Photo: UN Women/Ryan Brown
Gender data story|Peace and security
Women at the UN Security Council: a sea change in numbers
Students on the grounds of the Angelina Jolie Primary School in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya. Photo: UN Women/Ryan Brown
Gender data story|SDG monitoring
Leaving no girl behind in education
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