This dashboard is a compilation of indicators that will inform gender-responsive policy action on COVID-19. It is an inter-agency collaboration that has benefitted from the inputs of ILO, ITU, UNCTAD, UNDP, UN-Habitat, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNODC, WFP, WHO and many others.

Covid-19 confirmed cases and deaths
Source: WHO, John Hopkins University ( )
Cases | Deaths | |
Total | 0 | 0 |
New (7 day avg.) | 0 | 0 |
Global Covid-19 data by sex(PROVISIONAL)
Source: WHO (2021-01-18)
Poverty and social protection (sdg 1)
Source: UN Women, UNDP, Pardee (2020-Oct)
Female | Male | F/M | |
2019 (before COVID-19) | |||
2020 | |||
2021 | |||
2030 |
Health system VULNERABILITY (sdg 3)
Health system capacity
Health system preparedness and response
Sexual and reproductive health and rights
Gender equality (sdgs 5 and 16)
Women in political decision-making
Violence against women
Female | Male | |
Adolescents aged 15-17 who have experienced sexual violence, Latest 2005-2018 (%) | ||
Intentional homicide victims, 2017 (per 100,000 people) | ||
Intentional homicide victims by intimate partner/ family-related, 2017 (#) |
Early, child and forced marriage
Unpaid care and domestic work
Poverty and social protection (sdg 1)
Source: UN Women, UNDP, Pardee (2020-Oct)
Female | Male | F/M | |
2019 (before COVID-19) | |||
2020 | |||
2021 | |||
2030 |
Education impact (sdg 4)
Source: UNESCO (2020-April)
Female | Male | |
Learners affected by school closures, est. (millions) |
Macro-economic impact (sdg 8)
Source: IMF (April WEO), UNDP (for dev. countries)
GDP impact
Labour market situation (sdg 8)
Source: ILO, UN Women, UNICEF, ICF International
Employment and labour force
Female | Male | |
Informal employment, 2016 (%) | ||
Agriculture sector | ||
Non-agriculture sector | ||
Own-account workers in total employment, 2019 (%) | ||
Contributing family workers in total employment, 2019 (%) | ||
Labour force participation rate, ages 25–54, latest 2010-2018 (%) | ||
Lone-person households
Couple-only households
Couple-with-children-under-6 households
Children aged 5-17 engaged in child labour |
Unemployment and labour underutilization
Female | Male | |
Unemployment rate, 2019 (%) | ||
Ages 15-24
Ages 25+
Time-related underemployment rate, 2019 (%) | ||
Ages 15-24
Ages 25+
Composite rate of labour underutilization, 2019 (%) | ||
Ages 15-24
Ages 25+
Labour income and pay inequality
Access to water and sanitation (sdg 6)
Sustainable cities (sdg 11)
Source: UN-Habitat, ICF International
Female | Male | |
Urban pop. in slums, informal settle. or inadequate housing, lat. 2007-2017 (%) |
Refugee and asylum-seeking populations (sdg 16)
Source: UNHCR
Refugees | Asylum-seekers | |
Total number, 2019 | ||
Women (%) | ||
Girls aged 0-17 (%) | ||
Women aged 60 or older (%) |
Connectivity and access to information (sdg 17)
Source: ITU
Female | Male | |
Internet users, 2019 (%) | ||
Mobile telephone owners (%) |
Note: Global and regional averages shown in brackets [ ] should be treated with caution as the data coverage is below UN Women's threshold (at least 50 percent of countries and/or 66 percent of the population covered).
Covid-19 confirmed cases and deaths
Note: Calculated based on WHO and John Hopkins University data
Note: Calculated based on WHO and John Hopkins University data
Global Confirmed cases by sex and age (PROVISIONAL)
Notes: Data cleaning are ongoing and in progress. All numbers should be interpreted with caution. As of 10 am 18 January 2021, 93,194,922 cases were reported. Data presented here, therefore, represent only 19% of all reported cases. The data by sex and age shown here are based on reporting from 137 countries, areas and territories.
Notes: Data cleaning are ongoing and in progress. All numbers should be interpreted with caution. As of 10 am 18 January 2021, 93,194,922 cases were reported. Data presented here, therefore, represent only 19% of all reported cases. The data by sex and age shown here are based on reporting from 137 countries, areas and territories.
Global Deaths by sex and age (PROVISIONAL)
Notes: Data cleaning are ongoing and in progress. All numbers should be interpreted with caution. As of 10 am 18 January 2021, 93,194,922 cases were reported. Data presented here, therefore, represent only 19% of all reported cases. The data by sex and age shown here are based on reporting from 137 countries, areas and territories.
Health system VULNERABILITY (sdg 3)
Health system capacity
Health system preparedness and response
Note: Self-assessment of International Health Regulations core capacity 5.3. Ranges from 20 (low capacity) to 100 (high capacity).
Note: Self-assessment of International Health Regulations core capacity 8.1. Ranges from 20 (low capacity) to 100 (high capacity).
Note: Self-assessment of International Health Regulations core capacity 8.2. Ranges from 20 (low capacity) to 100 (high capacity).
Note: Self-assessment of International Health Regulations core capacity 8.3. Ranges from 20 (low capacity) to 100 (high capacity).
Sexual and reproductive health and rights
Note: Covers married women aged 15-49.
Gender equality (sdgs 5 and 16)
Note: Ranges from 0 (high gender inequality in human development dimensions measured) to 1 (low gender inequality in human development dimensions measured).
Note: Ranges from 0 (women and men fare equally in all measured human development dimensions) to 1 (one gender fares as poorly as possible in all measured human development dimensions).
Note: Ranges from 0 (low human development) to 1 (high human development).
Note: Ranges from 0 (high inequality in human development dimensions measured) to 1 (low inequality in human development dimensions measured).
Women in political decision-making
Note: Global aggregate refers to 2019, country-level estimates refer to latest available during 2017-2019
Violence against women
Note: Covers ever-partnered women and girls aged 15 to 49 who have experienced physical and/or sexual partner violence
Early, child and forced marriage
Unpaid care and domestic work
Macro-economic impact (sdg 8)
GDP impact
Note: Cumulative loss in global GDP in 2020/21 (2 years) compared to pre-COVID-19 projections.
Note: Country-level data indicates GDP purchasing power parity, 2020, est. (billions)
Labour market situation (sdg 8)
Employment and labour force
Note: Global aggregate refers to 2016, country-level estimates refer to latest available during 2011-2019.
Unemployment and labour underutilization
Labour income and pay inequality
Poverty and social protection (sdg 1)
Note: The F/M ratio is derived from the following: (the number of women in poor households / Number of men in poor households) / (Total number of women / Total number of men) * 100. Sometimes called the ‘femininity index’, this measure is equivalent to the ratio between the poverty rate of women over the poverty rate of men and is used instead of the poverty headcount to account for skewed sex ratios, especially across certain age groups. Any interpretation of these ratios at the country level must be accompanied by a close review of the relevant extreme poverty rates/levels. This is crucial because in countries with low levels of overall extreme poverty any difference in the poverty rates by sex will, by the nature of the low base values, appear large. See Technical Note for further details.
Education impact (sdg 4)
Access to water and sanitation (sdg 6)
Note: Global aggregate refers to 2017, country-level estimates refer to latest available during 2010-2017.
Sustainable cities (sdg 11)
Refugee and asylum-seeking populations (sdg 16)
Connectivity and access to information (sdg 17)
Note: Global aggregate refers to 2019, country-level estimates refer to latest available during 2015-2019.