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How to use the dashboards
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Click on one of the dashboard options to access data on a particular topic.
Pick your visualization from the icons on the left - you have many choices!
Select an indicator you want to measure.
Select an indicator you want to measure.
Specify your parameters - choose the geographical area you want to focus on, and the years you want data for.
choose the geographical area you want to focus on

Additional Questions

There are 53 gender-specific indicators across the SDG framework. But 6 of the 17 goals lack gender-specific indicators altogether. And only 12 of the 53 gender-specific indicators have data regularly produced. This is why you will see plenty of gaps in the SDG data available here, and why many of the SDG goals and indicators are not accessible in the SDG indicator dashboard.
Not likely. Most likely the country or area you are selecting does not have data for the indicator you have selected. Only the countries and areas that have available data for the selected indicator will show up in the ‘Geographical Area’ dropdown. But if you believe that this is the result of an error, please let us know through the Contact Form as we are constantly updating the data.
One of the most useful features of the dashboard is the ability to compare multiple indicators in the bar chart view. But since many indicators have different units, only the indicators with the same units can be compared with each other. The moment you select an indicator, all indicator with different units become greyed out and can’t be selected. So if you want to select a greyed-out indicator, please de-select the previously selected indicator. This will make all the indicators in the dropdown selectable again.
Now You’re Ready To Explore!

Click on one of our most frequently
searched indicators to get started.

Good Health & Wellbeing

3.1.1 Maternal mortality ratio

Gender Equality

5.4.1 Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location

Peace, Justice & Strong INstitutions

16.2.2 Number of victims of human trafficking per 100,000 population, by sex, age and form of exploitation