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Najwa Abu-Zaalan started as a beneficiary and is now a trainer at the UN Women Oasis Centre in Ajloun. Photo: UN Women/Bashar Al-Jabari
Research highlight|Economic empowerment
Untapped potential: Foreign-born women entrepreneurs and the gender gap
Avtandil Tsereteli takes pleasure in being an active caregiver for his newborn son. Photo courtesy of Avtandil Tsereteli.
Impact story|Data use
Time-use data help spur more fathers to take paternity leave in Georgia
sustainable development goal 5 sdg5 on gender equality
Guest contributor|SDG monitoring
Why data matters for progress on gender equality
Photo: UN Women/Mohammad Rakibul Hasan
Why we need gender and environment data on the agenda at COP28
Photo: UN Women/Piyavit Thongsa-Ard
Research highlight|Economic empowerment
Caring for carers: Recognizing the rights and contributions of older women
Accelerating Gender Equality: The Power of Smart Data Investments
Opinion|Gender data
Accelerating Gender Equality: The Power of Smart Data Investments
Photo: UN Women/Amanda Voisard
Gender data story|Gender data gaps
Four steps leaders can take to harness the power of gender data for the SDGs
Photo: Vincent Tremeau / World Bank
Impact story|Economic empowerment
Time-use data in Senegal spur advocacy, policy and programme revisions
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