Women Count

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a historic global compact to achieve gender equality by 2030.

But we need more and better gender data, or else we will not be able to adequately monitor the implementation of the SDGs.

UN Women’s strategy for change is Women Count, which seeks to bring about a radical shift in how gender statistics are used, created and promoted.

UN Women/Younghwa Choi

What's new?

We've just launched a summary brief of Kenya's first time-use survey and national care assessment.

The Women Count annual report 2022 is now available. See what we've achieved so far in Phase II.

Gender Data Gaps & Challenges

The absence of adequate data can impede progress in creating informed and effective policies. Gender data gaps can be linked to three challenges…

Weak policy space, and legal and financial environments, are barriers to progress

In many countries, the production of gender statistics is not specified in statistics laws and policies, and as a result the sector is under-prioritized and under-funded in national budgets.

Technical and financial challenges limit the production of gender statistics

Areas such as violence against women, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and unpaid care and domestic work, are important to measure but are under-resourced. Also at risk are emerging areas, such as gender and poverty, gender pay gaps and women’s participation in decision-making, where a lot more methodological work is needed.

Lack of access to data and limited capacity of users to use gender statistics to inform polices.

Where data is available it is not made accessible or shared in user-friendly formats, impeding their use in informing evidence-based advocacy in decision-making. When data is not used to inform policy and advocacy, it leads to low demand, which in turn reduces the incentive to produce gender statistics.

What We Do

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Enabling Environment

Promoting a supportive policy environment to address institutional and financial constraints and to strengthen policies and practices governing the production and use of gender statistics.

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Data Production

Supporting efforts to improve the regular production of gender statistics, including building the technical capacity of the national statistical systems and providing financial support to improve data collection so that we can better monitor the SDGs.

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Data Accessibility

Improving access to data to inform policy advocacy through solutions such as open access, dissemination tools, and user-producer dialogues, so that data users are better able to use gender statistics in policy, programmes and advocacy.

Where We Work
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New study shows social norms regarding violence against women are changing in Georgia
News|Ending violence against women
New study shows social norms regarding violence against women are changing in Georgia
26 December 2023
Call to action global conference gender data COP28
COP28 conference calls for more and better data to drive environmental policy action
1 December 2023
Announcement|Gender data
The Arab States now has a dedicated gender data portal
16 March 2023
UN Women and the National Statistics Office of Georgia present the findings of the country's first-ever time use survey. Photo: The National Statistics Office of Georgia
News|Economic empowerment
Women spend five times more time on unpaid care work than men, Georgia’s first time-use survey finds
9 December 2022


Women Count is generously supported by the Governments of Australia, Ireland, Mexico, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States; and Alwaleed Philanthropies, Alibaba Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Elizabeth Arden.

Country Fact Sheets

View the country fact sheets to learn more about data related to specific counties.

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