The challenges
The United Republic of Tanzania (Tanzania hereafter) has two semi-autonomous statistics systems, both of which have limited coordination, particularly on gender statistics. Neither Tanzania’s national development strategies to achieve gender equality nor its Statistical Master Plans explicitly seek to improve the production and use of gender data. Moreover, the Statistics Act passed in September 2018 includes provisions for significant fines, jail time, or both, for anyone questioning the accuracy of official statistics or producing figures that contradict them.
The Women Count response includes
Ensuring that the National Gender Equality Policy and Tanzania’s Statistical Master Plan (both under revision) explicitly include a gender data action and financing plan;
Integrating gender statistics in the monitoring of national and sectoral strategies and/or action plans;
Strengthening institutional capacities of key statistical actors and inter-agency coordination mechanisms; and
Advocating for a further amendment of the Statistics Act to address existing concerns and to ensure that its implementation integrates a gender perspective.