The challenges
There is a lack of coordination in Morocco’s fragmented statistical system, as several institutions are in charge of producing gender-disaggregated statistics and sensitive data – including the High Commissioner of Planning (HCP), ministries, independent observatories and the national bank. The Prime Minister created a Coordinating Committee, however its mission and capacities are outdated and several producers generate gender-sensitive statistics without the committee’s involvement.
The Women Count response includes
Conducting a national and regional assessment with all producers and users of gender statistics on the quality of gender statistics produced and their compliance with international standards, as well as challenges and obstacles faced in producing, analysing, disseminating and using such data;
Capacity-building and peer-education exchanges for national and regional data producers; and
Engaging and training Members of Parliament to advocate for the reform and developing a report with recommendations for improving the legal, political and institutional environment for the production and use of gender statistics.