The challenges
The inclusion of a gender perspective in statistics has been the result of the need to address information requirements, particularly on violence against women, rather than the result of a planned and structured process. Institutions in the National Statistical System (NSS) have more than one area producing statistical information, which can lead to a duplication of functions and potential inconsistency in data.
The Women Count response includes
Strengthening the institutions that produce statistical information, including at the highest management levels, to support the technical work needed for a gender perspective to be included in the production, operation and collection of statistical data;
Establishing an institutional coordination mechanism to facilitate the exchange of experiences between DANE, CPEM, DNP and other key actors within the NSS to better mainstream gender in national policies and frameworks governing the production and use of gender statistics;
Building technical capacities on gender statistics through training to analyse and produce gender statistics; create indicators on gender differences according to geographic location; use administrative records to identify gender-based violence; examine the experiences of other countries in gender policies and statistics.