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Innovative survey techniques in collecting data on violence against women during COVID-19: The example of list randomization
Innovative survey techniques in collecting data on violence against women during COVID-19: The example of list randomization

This methodological note details the survey techniques of remote data collection implemented for the Rapid Gender Assessment Surveys on the Impact of COVID-19 on Violence against Women (VAW RGAs) in 13 countries in 2021.

In particular, this note elaborates the list randomization technique and its methodological process from design stage to implementation until statistical analysis. It is informed with strong quantitative and qualitative evidence to support the methodology. This methodological note intends to guide VAW survey implementers in designing effective list randomization survey questions and researchers in producing robust prevalence VAW estimates.

Additional resources related to the survey, including statistical global and country reports, survey technical reports and microdata can be found at:

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