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Experts call for better measurement of the gender-environment nexus in Asia-Pacific
Dr. Vandana Shiva addressing the group of Experts on gender and the environment.
Dr. Vandana Shiva addressing the group of Experts on gender and the environment.

Experts met in Bangkok last week to discuss a strategy to start filling existing data gaps to assess the connections between gender and the environment. They highlighted the need to produce data to better understand the important role that women in Asia and the Pacific play in key environmental issues such as biodiversity conservation, sustainable production, natural resource management and waste management. In addition, experts highlighted that better statistics are also necessary to understand women and men’s differentiated vulnerability to disasters and the effects climate change. 

To jumpstart the collection and use of gender data around these issues, experts called for the creation of a regional mechanism on measuring the gender and environment nexus. The mechanism must be tasked with enhancing statistical capacity to produce data in this area, support advocacy and fundraising efforts to support this endeavor and enable the sharing of experiences and lessons learned among countries across the region.

The meeting was organized by UN Women, UN Environment, IUCN and ESCAP, and was attended by more than 60 representatives from NSOs, ministries of Environment, Disaster management agencies, Ministries of Women, civil society organizations, UN Agencies and numerous research institutions from the Asia-Pacific region. 

Presentation files


Day 1 presentations

  • State of gender and environment in Asia and the Pacific
    - Annette Wallgren (UN Environment) (PDF)
    - Cate Owren (IUCN) (PDF)
  • Summary of existing monitoring frameworks on gender and environment
    - Kimberly Vo (UN Women) (PDF)
  • Integrating gender into national environmental policies in Cambodia
    - Ms. Khlok Vichet Ratha (Ministry of Environment) (PDF)
  • Measuring the gender and environment
    - (UN Environment) (PDF)
  • Young women as agents of change towards sustainable organic farming
    - Neha Raj Singh (PDF)
  • Sendai Framework Monitor & Indicators
    - UNDRR (PDF)
  • Measuring the connections between environment and gender: the Asia Pacific experience
    - Gemma Van Halderen, Afsaneh Yazdani (UNESCAP) (PDF)
  • Expert meeting on Statistics on Gender and Environment
    - (PDF)

Day 2 presentations

  • New digital technologies to enhance women’s lives through agriculture development
    - Ashish Narayan (ITU) (PDF)
  • Innovative ways of dealing with the sex-differentiated challenges associated with urban mobility in Indonesian Cities The cases of Semarang City, Bandung City and Bogor City
    - UN Women (PDF)
  • Integrating gender-related questions in Mongolia's Livestock census
    - AMARBAL Avirmed (National Statistics Office of Mongolia) (PDF)
  • Role of Geospatial Data in Disaster Preparedness and Response
    - Kavinda Gunasekara (AIT) (PDF)
  • Producing statistics for gendered environmental indicators in Vietnam
    - Nguyễn Thanh Tú (VietNam General Statistic Office) (PDF)
  • Outcomes of gender, disasters and climate change statistics meeting
    - (PDF)
  • Disaster Statistics in Indonesia
    - Harmawanti Marhaeni (BPS-Statistics Indonesia) (PDF)
  • Tapping on unconventional data sources to obtain actionable intelligence on the connections between gender and environment
    - Rajius Idzalika (Pulse Lab Jakarta) (PDF)
  • Initial mapping of indicators and data gaps on the gender-environment nexus and related proposals for the Asia-Pacific region
    - Sharita Serrao (UNESCAP) (PDF)
  • Making surveys fit for purpose: Integrating gender across environmentrelated questionnaires, methodologies and data processing
    - Gerry Brady (Central Statistics Office Ireland) (PDF)
  • Using big data to promote gender equality in agriculture
    - Sangita Dubey (FAO) (PDF)
  • Child Marriage and Geo-covariates data integration

Day 3 presentations

  • Group work for Session 5
  • Group-1: Representatives from National Governments (NSOs and Line Ministries)
    - (PDF)
  • Jillian_Rough slides_morning
  • Morning discussion questions
    - (PDF)

Download all presentations (.zip)

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