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Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The gender snapshot 2023
Report|SDG monitoring
Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The gender snapshot 2023
Measuring the nexus between gender and the environment - sampling guidelines
Sampling methods and survey operations: Measuring the nexus between gender and the environment
Enumerator Manual: Measuring the nexus between gender and the environment
Enumerator Manual: Measuring the nexus between gender and the environment
Perception de l’impact de la crise et des sanctions sur les femmes et les filles au Niger
Survey report|Humanitarian action
Perception de l’impact de la crise et des sanctions sur les femmes et les filles au Niger
Barriers and opportunities for evidence–informed decision–making: A brief study of practices In asia pacific countries
Research paper|Gender data production and collection
Barriers and opportunities for evidence–informed decision–making: A brief study of practices In Asia-Pacific countries
Kenya Demographic and Health Survey
Survey report|Gender data production and collection
Kenya Demographic and Health Survey Volume 1
Kenya Economic Survey 2023
Survey report|Economic empowerment
Kenya Economic Survey 2023
Bangladesh time use survey
Survey report|Economic empowerment
Bangladesh Time-Use Survey 2021
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