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A Pragmatic Approach to Developing a Comprehensive Gender Capacity Framework: A Companion Report to the Gender Data Outlook 2024
Research paper|Gender data
A Pragmatic Approach to Developing a Comprehensive Gender Capacity Framework
Developments and Achievements in the Uptake and Use of Gender Data - the Case of Tanzania
Brief|Data use
Developments and Achievements in the Uptake and Use of Gender Data - the Case of Tanzania
Building a comprehensive survey to measure the gender and environment nexus in Africa
Building a comprehensive survey to measure the gender and environment nexus in Africa
Summary brief: Bangladesh Time-Use Survey 2021
Brief|Economic empowerment
Summary brief: Bangladesh Time-Use Survey 2021
Kenya time use survey and care needs assessment
Brief|Economic empowerment
Summary brief: Kenya's time-use survey and care assessment
Disability and women and girls in displacement: A Myanmar factsheet
Fact sheet|Disabilities
Disability and women and girls in displacement: A factsheet on refugees and asylum-seekers in Myanmar
Uganda Achievements Uptake and Use of Gender Data
Report|Gender data gaps
Developments and achievements in the uptake and use of gender data - the case of Uganda
How Uganda is using administrative data to improve the lives of women and girls
Brief|Gender data gaps
How Uganda is using administrative data to improve the lives of women and girls
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