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How Uganda is investing in citizen-generated data to improve the lives of women and girls
Brief|Gender data gaps
How Uganda is investing in citizen-generated data to improve the lives of women and girls
The crucial role of legal frameworks in advancing gender equality
Brief|SDG monitoring
The crucial role of legal frameworks in advancing gender equality
Women Count Europe and Central Asia programme brief
Brief|Women Count updates
Programme brief: Women Count in Europe and Central Asia (2nd Issue)
National care needs assessment Kenya
Assessment|Economic empowerment
National Care Needs Assessment - Kenya
National Study on Violence against Women in Georgia 2022
Survey report|Ending violence against women
National Study on Violence against Women in Georgia 2022
Les Ministères du Genre en Afrique Centrale
Report|Governance and national planning
Les ministères du genre en Afrique Centrale
Call to action: Counting on a sustainable future for all through gender and environment data
Call to Action: Counting on a sustainable future for all through gender and environment data
gender climate change brief
Data-driven insights: The effects of climate change on gender and development
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