The shadow pandemic: Violence against women and girls and COVID-19

The shadow pandemic: Violence against women and girls and COVID-19
UN Women has produced a brief highlighting emerging evidence of the impact of the recent global pandemic of COVID-19 on violence against women and girls. The brief makes recommendations to be considered by all sectors of society, from governments to international organizations and to civil society organizations in order to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls, at the onset, during, and after the public health crisis with examples of actions already taken. It also considers the economic impact of the pandemic and its implications for violence against women and girls in the long-term. The infographic below provides a snapshot of the issues covered in the brief.
Download the brief
Download the infographic
Note: This brief is a living document that draws upon the knowledge and experience of a wide range of experts who support solutions to end violence against women and girls, attentive to the country context in which the crisis is occurring.
Violence against women and girls data collection during COVID-19
This brief paper summarizes principles and recommendations to those planning to embark on data collection on the impact of COVID-19 on violence against women and girls. It was informed by the needs and challenges identified by colleagues in regional and country offices and has benefited from their input. It responds to the difficulties to adhere to methodological, ethical and safety principles in the context of the physical distancing and staying at home measures imposed in many countries.
This document was developed under the UN Women-WHO Global Joint Programme "Strengthening methodologies and measurement and building national capacities for violence against women data".
Impact of COVID-19 on violence against women and girls and service provision: UN Women rapid assessment and findings
This report synthesizes information from a rapid assessment to understand the impact of COVID-19 on violence against women and girls and service provision. The information was collected from partners—governments and civil society organizations—in 49 countries in five regions. The synthesis sheds light on the impact of COVID-19 on the availability of and accessibility to services for women and girls who experience violence, and measures taken by service providers to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls during the pandemic, despite resource and capacity constraints.