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Pacific roadmap on gender statistics
Strategy|Gender data production and collection
Pacific roadmap on gender statistics
COVID-19 survey guidance
Guidance|Gender and COVID-19
Guidance: Rapid gender assessment surveys on the impacts of COVID-19
CGD guidelines
Report|Gender data production and collection
Methodological guidelines on the collection and use of citizen-generated data for reporting SDG 5 and gender specific indicators in other SDGs
Guidance Note for conducting Qualitative Research during COVID-19
Guidance|Gender and COVID-19
Guidance Note for conducting Qualitative Research during COVID-19
COVID19 and VAW services brief
Brief|Gender and COVID-19
Impact of COVID-19 on violence against women and girls and service provision: UN Women rapid assessment and findings
Guidelines for conducting Qualitative Research during COVID-19
Guidance|Gender and COVID-19
Guidelines for conducting qualitative research during COVID-19
Toolkit|Gender and COVID-19
Toolkit to review COVID-19 related socio-economic impact studies and related activities
How COVID-19 is changing the world
Report|Gender and COVID-19
How COVID-19 is changing the world: a statistical perspective
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