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SDG Gender Snapshot 2021
Report|SDG monitoring
Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The gender snapshot 2021
Quantifying care
Research paper
Quantifying Care: Design and Harmonization Issues in Time-Use Surveys
Measuring time use
Research paper
Measuring Time Use: An assessment of issues and challenges in conducting time-use surveys with special emphasis on developing countries
Annual Report 2020
Annual Report|Women Count updates
Women Count annual report 2020
Gender Statistics for Evidence-Based Policies
Research paper|Gender data
Gender Statistics for Evidence-Based Policies
RGA Eswatini
Survey report|Gender and COVID-19
COVID-19 Rapid Gender Assessment (Eswatini)
Zimbabwe NSDS 2
Assessment|Gender data production and collection
Evaluation of the Zimbabwe national strategy for the development of statistics (NSDS) II, 2016-2020, from a gender perspective
Minimum set of gender indicators
Report|Gender data production and collection
Minimum set of gender equality and women’s empowerment indicators (Zanzibar)
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