Available evidence suggests that urban transport and land-use systems all over the world consistently under-value and under-provide services in support of the more complex travel needs of mostly women who are managing households, working in and engaging with their local communities, taking care of children and other relatives and who may simultaneously also be involved in various economic activities.
The Kampala study is based on CATI interviews with 2,548 women aged 18 years and older and resident in Kampala District. It is representative of the demographic profile of women by age and division and provides statistical evidence on women’s use and experience of public transport. Specific themes covered include travel modes, travel and waiting times when using public transport for work purposes as well as details about women’s experiences of violence while using public transport. The study was specifically designed to complement the qualitative research report on mainstreaming gender in urban public transport published in 2021 by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).
The Nairobi study was conducted in partnership with Kenyatta University’s Women's Economic Empowerment (KU-WEE) Hub and the Stockholm Environment Institute. The study covered work related travel as well as experiences of violence witnessed and experienced when using public transport.
The study provides a snapshot of women’s public transport use in Nairobi and identifies their commuter patterns as well as the challenges they face. It aims to promote gender-responsive policymaking and influence decision-making towards gender equity in this essential service.