Thursday, 18 November 2021 | 08:30 am – 10:00 am (ET)
Concept note
Using administrative data from police, violence against women hotlines, and other service providers, UN Women has found that violence against women and girls has intensified since the outbreak of COVID-19, but collecting data to better understand this increase is challenging, because of various ethical, safety and methodological concerns that need to be considered during data collection.
To understand the extent of this “shadow pandemic” and to support gender-responsive and evidence-based policymaking, UN Women launched Rapid Gender Assessment (RGA) surveys in 13 countries. The study has yielded important insights and methodological learnings on the feasibility of remote data collection on violence against women.
The webinar will bring together representatives from National Statistics Offices, UN agencies, civil society organizations and other key stakeholders to discuss lessons learned on collecting data on violence against women during COVID-19 and how such data can be used to inform policy decisions. The objectives of this session are to:
- Provide an overview of UN Women’s RGAs on violence against women, including key findings and lessons learned
- Share learnings and challenges from technical and survey operations from data collection on violence against women – including ensuring ethical and safety measures that were put in place
- Exchange country experiences on using data for action to end violence against women
The webinar is co-hosted by the Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys and UN Women.