Wednesday, 03 November 2021 | 08:00 am – 09:30 am (ET)
Concept note
UN Women and the ILO are organizing a joint technical webinar to support filling gender data gaps and share knowledge on the latest international statistical standards guiding the measurement of unpaid domestic and care work. Equally important, the webinar will also provide illustrations of time-use surveys conducted both prior and during COVID-19 and will showcase how results can inform national policies.
Part I. The role of Time-Use Surveys in advancing women’s work statistics: concepts and applications
Moderator: Cecilia Tinonin, Statistics Specialist, UN Women
Latest international statistical standards on forms of work and 19th ICLS
Elisa M. Benes, Senior Statistician, ILO Department of Statistics
Georgia: Conducting a stand-alone time-use survey during COVID-19
Vasil Tsakadze, Head of Social Statistics Department, National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT)
Uganda: Implementation of time-use survey for the first time
Danstan Aguta, Senior Statistician, Uganda Bureau of Statistics
Senegal: Introducing time-use measurement into the national statistical system:
challenges and opportunities
Mahmouth Diouf, Statistics Specialist, UN Women Senegal and National Agency of Statistics and Demography of Senegal (ANSD)
Part II. Using time-use surveys and other sources to advance care policies: applications
Moderator: Emanuela Pozzan, Senior Specialist, Gender, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Branch, ILO
Colombia: Transforming time-use data to a national care policy
Juan Daniel Oviedo, Chief Statistician, National Statistics Office of Colombia–DANE
Bangladesh: Time-use survey to inform the development of a satellite account
Md. Mashud Alam, Director, Demography and Health Wing, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Informing a gender responsive COVID-19 recovery through Rapid Gender Assessment Surveys
Jessamyn Encarnacion, Inter-Regional Advisor on Gender Statistics, UN Women