COVID-19 and gender data resources

What's new?

We've just launched a summary brief of Kenya's first time-use survey and national care assessment.
Our new report highlights findings from 45 countries, showing that women and girls are being left behind in pandemic responses
COVID-19 and gender monitor

COVID-19 and gender monitor

This dashboard is a compilation of indicators that will inform gender-responsive policy action on COVID-19.

COVID-19 Survey


UN Women has conducted rapid gender assessment (RGA) surveys to quickly capture the gendered consequences of COVID-19. The findings from nearly 100,000 respondents across 58 countries are showing that women and men are experiencing the effects of the pandemic differently.

Emerging data

Emerging data

UN Women has been closely following the political and economic response to COVID-19 and its impact on women and girls. UN Women and WHO have joined forces to bridge the gender data gap and provide latest available data on COVID-19 cases by sex and age

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