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14,716 women-headed households were given priority food aid thanks in part to data produced by the Women Count Regional Programme for the Arab States.


Albania COVID-19 rapid gender assessment
Impact story|Gender and COVID-19
Rapid gender assessment helps target Albanian Government programmes and budgeting
rapid gender assessment on COVID-19 in Colombia
Impact story|Gender and COVID-19
In Colombia, data help justify women-targeted economic support programmes and shape a new national care policy
rapid gender assessment on COVID-19 in Senegal
Impact story|Gender and COVID-19
In Senegal, RGA results spur a new programme to support vulnerable women while increasing the knowledge of social protection actors
Dana Smillie / World Bank
Impact story|Gender data production and collection
In Kenya, committee makeover brings new players and more inclusive data
Civil society ‘listeners’ team up with enumerators to track violence against women in Morocco
Impact story|Ending violence against women
Civil society ‘listeners’ team up with enumerators to track violence against women in Morocco 
Photo: UN Women/Janarbek Amankulov
Impact story|Ending violence against women
In Georgia, violence against women study ushers in country’s first sexual harassment law
Improved data on violence against women catalyses advocacy and legal change in Albania
Impact story|Ending violence against women
Improved data on violence against women catalyses advocacy and legal change in Albania
Noel Wanjia wants her research to change norms and promote free and safe spaces for women to speak out about their experiences. Photo: UN Women/Luke Horswell
Impact story|Gender data
Student research grants bolster gender analysis in Kenya
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