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Women are increasingly registering their land and claiming their rights thanks to the gender-sensitive Multipurpose Cadastre.


Hidden Figures
Hidden Figures|Gender and COVID-19
With household chores up and spending down, this holiday season is set to buck tradition – but that’s not all bad
Photo: UN Women Europe and Central Asia/Rena Effendi
Research highlight|Gender and COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the care burden, but by how much?
poverty and gender during COVID-19
Data Bite|Gender and COVID-19
COVID-19 is driving women and girls deeper into poverty
Photo: UN Women/Ploy Phutpheng
Research highlight|Gender and COVID-19
Global Gender Response Tracker assesses COVID-19 measures for women
Photo: UNDP Chad
Research highlight|Gender and COVID-19
The COVID-19 boomerang effect: New forecasts predict sharp increases in female poverty
Ipsos survey confirms that COVID-19 is intensifying women’s workload at home
Research highlight|Gender and COVID-19
Ipsos survey confirms that COVID-19 is intensifying women’s workload at home
Counted and Visible Insights
Counted and Visible: Insights|Gender and COVID-19
Understanding gender and information inequalities through five women impacted by COVID-19
Rohingya women volunteers are oriented on COVID-19 related precautions and consulted on what they think are the key concerns and needs for women in their community. Photo: Marie Sophie Pettersson / UN Women
Devex partnership|Gender and COVID-19
Q&A: What early data says about gendered impacts of COVID-19
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