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Women in Georgia spend half as much time as men on paid work and twice as much on unpaid work but paid paternity leave in Georgia could help to change that.


sustainable development goal 5 sdg5 on gender equality
Guest contributor|SDG monitoring
Why data matters for progress on gender equality
Students on the grounds of the Angelina Jolie Primary School in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya. Photo: UN Women/Ryan Brown
Gender data story|SDG monitoring
Leaving no girl behind in education
Chandra Kala Thapa works in the fields near Chatiune Village in Sindhuli Disrict, Nepal.     Photo: UN Women/Narendra Shrestha
Research highlight|SDG monitoring
It will take 22 years to close SDG gender data gaps
Photo: UN Women/Pathumporn Thongking
Research highlight|SDG monitoring
We now have more gender-related SDG data than ever, but is it enough?
Beijing NGO Forum
Research highlight|SDG monitoring
Inequality, gender, and sustainable development: measuring feminist progress
Girls at the Non Formal Education centre. The bridge course conducted by the NFE centre has allowed three girls of the Nat community who dropped out of school to continue their studies again.
Research highlight|SDG monitoring
SDGs under review in 2019: What progress for women?
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