The Kenya Strategy for Development of Statistics is a national framework for the National Statistical System (NSS) aimed at mainstreaming statistics into national policy and planning processes. The development and implementation of the KSDS is inarguably a major milestone towards making Kenya a global model with an efficient and integrated system for quality statistics.
An assessment of the status of statistics production in the statistics sectors was conducted and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the production of statistics were identified and prioritized. This culminated into development of sector statistics plans for each institution which were consolidated into the KSDS. The Gender Sector Statistics Plan 2019/20–2022/23 (GSSP) is one of the Sector Statistics Plans which was developed after assessment of the gender statistics sector and consultation with its various stakeholders. The GSSP is crucial for the implementation of UN Women’s Gender Statistics Programme-Making Every Woman and Girl Count (Women Count) in Kenya and it provides strategic direction for strengthening Kenya’s statistical capacity in gender statistics.
The focus areas in the KSDS are: Effective national statistical system; Data quality; Adequate infrastructure for production of statistics; and Statistical advocacy.