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Disability and women and girls in displacement: A Myanmar factsheet
Disability and women and girls in displacement: A factsheet on refugees and asylum-seekers in Myanmar

Over the years, Myanmar has seen numerous clashes, and continuing conflict. As of February 2024, the United Nations reported that more than 2.6 million people within Myanmar had been internally displaced and were in need of humanitarian assistance to meet their basic needs. Persons with disabilities, in particular, have been substantially impacted. This brief examines the care needs and care burdens of people with disabilities and their families in situations of displacement. It highlights the importance of humanitarian actors taking note of marked differences between different population groups, including regarding experiences of hearing, seeing, mobility or other forms of disability. Notably, the brief showcases the disproportionate burdens and disadvantages that women face when they flee with someone with a disability, or when they experience it themselves in displacement settings.

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