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Concept Note: Making Every Woman and Girl Count

The chal­lenges of effectively monitoring the SDGs from a gender perspective cannot be overstated. Responding to the challenges, but also harnessing the current momentum and support for the SDGs and for gender statistics more broadly, the Flagship Programme Initiative Making Every Woman and Count (referred to in this concept note as Better Production and Use of Gender Statistics for Evidence-Based Localization of the SDGs) aims to affect a radical shift in the produc­tion, availability, accessibility and use of quality data and statistics on key aspects of gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Working with partner governments, international agencies and other actors, the proposed programme will achieve results in three interlinked areas of work:

  • Enabling environment
  • Data production
  • Data accessibility

This concept note outlines the details of the strategy for change and the implementation arrangements for the programme, along with a proposed budget.


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Publication year: 2017
Number of pages: 36

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