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Assessing data and statistical capacity gaps for better gender statistics
Assessing data and statistical capacity gaps for better gender statistics

As part of its collaboration with UN Women, PARIS21 developed a comprehensive framework to assess data and capacity gaps linked to gender statistics. The framework, aimed at national statistical offices, proposes methods, activities and tools for conducting assessments related to gender statistics to support the mainstreaming of gender statistics in national statistical systems (NSS). The assessment report resulting from the application of this framework is meant to inform national strategies for the development of statistics (NSDS).

There are multiple frameworks and tools for the assessment of official gender statistics relating to the capacity of NSS, but none of them assess all aspects of data gaps and statistical capacity collectively.

This framework is unique in that it:

  • Adopts a comprehensive, granular and holistic approach to the capacity of the NSS to produce and communicate quality gender statistics which meet user needs. It not only uncovers the various motivations and political dimensions that influence the capacity to quality gender statistics, but also highlights soft skills of individuals like teamwork and leadership.
  • Proposes a sustainable way of promoting the production and use of gender statistics across the NSS by providing a solid basis for the formulation of NSDS in order to secure better political support, prioritization and funding.
  • Recognizes the importance of widespread and active participation of various countries’ stakeholders involved in the production, communication and use of gender statistics.
  • Devotes special attention to the use of gender statistics by lawmakers, media, private sector, and civil society organisations. It recognises the important role of these statistics in evidence-based policy creation and policy monitoring, enhancing transparency and good governance and ensuring societal change.
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