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Time-use training workshop: Africa
Femme de fadial dans les champs de riz - CherifKhoury 22

Time-use training workshop: Africa
7-11 June, 2021 


Agenda (English)

Agenda (French)

Time-use surveys (TUS) measure the average amount of time people spend on various activities, such as unpaid household chores and family care, self-care, social life, leisure activities, and so on. More specifically, TUS are the main statistical sources for data used to calculate SDG indicator 5.4.1: Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location. 

TUS are critical tools to measure the value of household production and its contribution to the overall socio-economic welfare in any given country. Their granularity associated with disaggregated analyses (sex, location, age) can inform a wide range of policies, from market-based caregiving services to work-life balance and quality of life. 

This training workshop covers the introductory notions and basics of producing, analysing and disseminating time-use data as well as their policy relevance for gender equality. 

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