
Region: Africa / Population: 53,006M / Female Population: 26,726M

Gender Inequality Index Rank
Global Gender Gap Index Rank
Lifetime Physical and/or Sexual Intimate Partner Violence
Physical and/or Sexual Intimate Partner Violence in the last 12 months
Lifetime Non-Partner Sexual Violence
Country Snapshots were developed by UN Women on the basis of information contained in the database
Laws & Policies
Constitutional Provisions on Violence against Women
National Action Plan on VAW (latest one that is currently into force)
National Strategy on VAW (latest one that is currently into force)
Provision against Marital Rape
Equality in Marriage and Divorce
Marriage Act (2014)
Source: World Bank Group, Women, Business and the Law, 2022, Kenya
Minimum Age of Male Marriage
With no exception
Source: Marriage Act (2014)
Minimum Age of Female Marriage
With no exception
Source: Marriage Act (2014)
Law Prohibiting Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Assessment of Services for Women Survivors of Violence
Governance and Coordination
Existence of a governance structure or coordination mechanism
Gender Sector Working Group – convened by the State Department for Gender (includes the UN Agency, CSOs and Government departments)
Development Partners Gender Group (UN Women is the secretariate)
Thematic /Technical GBV Working Group (at national and county level)
Sources: Kenya Law, Ruth Aura, Situational Analysis and the Legal Framework on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities and National Gender and Equality Commission
Availability of administrative data on justice
State of Judiciary and Administration of Justice publishes annually
Number of VAW specialized courts
1 specialized court was established in 2022 in Mombasa County
Number of women accessing justice services (latest year)
Not Available
Number of legal aid service organizations for VAW/G survivors
One National Legal Aid Services (National Legal Aid Services is operated under the Government of Kenya. CSOs also train and offer legal aid services)
Availability of administrative data on police
Data is collected by the National Crime Research Centre (NCRC), a State Corporation under the Ministry of Interior and National Administration
Number of police stations or units specialized in EVAW
There is a Police Gender Desks at police stations
Number of law enforcement professionals trained to respond to incidents of VAW/G in accordance with a standardized curriculum
Not available
Number of women accessing police services (latest year)
Not available
Social Services
Availability of administrative data on social services
Availability of administrative data on health
Experiencing Violence?