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Positioning household surveys for the next decade: Data integration and inclusion
Positioning household surveys for the next decade Data integration and inclusion


8 Mar  |  12 pm 



Household surveys are vital components of national statistical systems. They are the basis for official statistics on social and economic phenomena and are key to tracking progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, despite their importance, household surveys face various challenges, including problems with data quality, timeliness, and policy relevance, among others.

The United Nations Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys (ISWGHS), of which UN Women is a co-chair, identifies eight technical priority areas for innovations in household survey design, implementation, and analysis. With these in mind, the ISWGHS presents a set of recommendations for fostering enabling environments at the national and international levels to support the production of more and higher-quality household survey data that are affordable and responsive to policy needs.


  • Calogero (Gero) Carletto, Manager of the Data Production and Methods unit in the Development Data Group at the World Bank and co-Chair, Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys
  • Papa Seck, Chief, Research and Data Section at UN Women and co-Chair, Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys

Sponsored by the American Statistical Association Committee on International Relations in Statistics and Statistics Without Boarders.

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