The results shown in this dashboard represent the findings from UN Women's Gender Equality Attitudes Study 2022: The levers for change. It updates the findings from the earlier study Are you ready for change? Gender equality attitudes 2019.
The study aims to measure the prevalence of discriminatory attitudes and gender-based stereotypes that perpetuate gender inequality, and demonstrate how widespread and deeply entrenched these views are.
The findings from this study are meant to inform policy-makers, representatives from academia, advertisers, marketers, private sector leaders, civil society, and other types of decision-makers on the prevalence of discriminatory attitudes and norms that perpetuate gender inequality and provide critical insights on how to leverage attitudinal change as a crucial tactic towards accelerating the full and effective implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and notably Sustainable Development Goal 5 to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.

Attitudes on Stereotype Gender Roles
Roles in Society
Future Ideal Index
About the pilot study
The study was developed under the leadership of UN Women and the Unstereotype Alliance in partnership with five private sector organizations - AT&T, Johnson & Johnson, Kantar, Procter & Gamble and Unilever. Kantar, a data, insights and consulting company, offered to leverage its global infrastructure for the study's development, fielding, and analysis.
The pilot study, Are you ready for change? Gender Equality Attitudes study 2019, was conducted in 2018 across 10 countries: Colombia, India, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, the Philippines, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the United States.
This second iteration of the study, Gender Equality Attitudes study 2022: The Levers for Change, conducted in 2020, includes Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, France, India, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, the Philippines, Senegal, Sweden, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, the United States and Vietnam. The study's thematic areas of focus include education, health, control over personal decisions, marriage and family life, safety and violence, gender stereotypes in the media, work and employment, access to physical property and control over personal finances, barriers to safety at home and in public spaces, barriers to safety in the workplace, and leadership and participation.