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Brief|Intersecting inequalities
Older women: Inequality at the intersection of age and gender
gender and environment in Asia-Pacific
Women and the environment: An Asia-Pacific Snapshot
Kenya SDG 5b1
Brief|SDG monitoring
Gender statistics and indicators: Analysis of mobile phone ownership in Kenya for SDG 5.b.1
Voices behind Women Count Kenya
Brief|Women Count updates
Voices behind the programme (Women Count Kenya Phase I)
Cover image
Brief|Gender and COVID-19
Strengthening gender measures and data in the COVID-19 era: An urgent need for change
Whose time to care?
Brief|Gender and COVID-19
Whose time to care: Unpaid care and domestic work during COVID-19
COVID19 and VAW services brief
Brief|Gender and COVID-19
Impact of COVID-19 on violence against women and girls and service provision: UN Women rapid assessment and findings
Factsheet: The Global Centre of Excellence on Gender Statistics
Brief|Gender data production and collection
Factsheet: The Global Centre of Excellence on Gender Statistics
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