The Gender Sector Statistics Plan (GSSP) is part of the Kenya Strategy for the Development of Statistics (KSDS) aimed at strengthening Kenya’s statistical capacity in gender statistics. The Plan offers strategic direction for the sector for the period 2019/20–2022/23.
While there have been efforts to produce quality and relevant gender statistics in response to the growing demand, Kenya still faces various resource constraints and weak coordination of the national statistical system. The strategies and actions outlined in this plan are geared towards addressing the data gaps between what is currently produced or is available and the data that is required to inform policy, advocacy, accountability and other priority development issues – particularly those linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Third Medium-Term Plan (MTP III)1, the ‘Big Four Agenda’ and the Sessional Paper No. 2 of 2019 on National Policy on Gender and Development (NPGAD)3. In this regard, this Plan aims to facilitate evidence-based policy formulation, planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation.
The Gender Sector Statistics Plan was developed through a consultative and participatory process involving key stakeholders in the National Statistical System (NSS).