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gender data outlook at a glance
Gender Data Outlook 2024

Supplementary materials


About the Gender Data Outlook

To address the critical question of how diverse investments in gender data translate into meaningful change for women and girls, UN Women and PARIS21 are introducing the Gender Data Outlook (GDO), that will assess countries' levels of statistical maturity using the new global framework and corresponding overall measure for gender data capacity. The full report and complete analysis will be released in November 2024 on the margins of the 5th UN World Data Forum (UNWDF).

The GDO introduces a novel approach to measuring gender data capacity across countries along four dimensions: 1) an enabling environment; 2) production; 3) accessibility; and 4) use. The GDO is unique in that it covers the full gender data value chain, emphasizing data use as the primary purpose of data production, and underlining the need to shift the focus from the collection or processing of gender data towards its ultimate impact.

The GDO Index, covering the first three dimensions, documents how countries vary in their capacity to plan for and produce gender data and make it accessible to the public, identifying the factors that underpin and drive these differing capacities. The fourth dimension, use, seeks to connect production, accessibility of data to tangible change by evaluating the uptake and use of gender data.

The Gender Data Outlook 2024: At a Glance is a highlights brief summarizing the key findings of the forthcoming full report.


See also: 4 September webinar launch of the Gender Data Outlook 2024: At a Glance

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