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A one-stop source on the measures governments are taking to build a world free from violence against women and girls


1 in 3 women

Globally, almost one in three women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence at least once in their life. This violence is often perpetrated by current or former intimate partners.

3 in 1 women

Policies, laws and budgets

These are essential tools for ending violence against women, but they are only effective when implemented and enforced in compliance with international standards and recommendations. 

A comprehensive look at measures

The Global Database on Violence against Women provides up-to-date information on measures taken by governments to address different forms of violence against women.

With 7,000+ measures from 193 countries, the database offers key insights into efforts around the world.

What are countries doing to address violence against women?
There are 1,583 legislative measures across 193 countries to address violence against women.
Forms of Violence Addressed by National Legislation
Created with Highcharts 11.3.0Chart title35435432232227227224224215615676767575434327271616Domestic violence or intimate partner violenceViolence against women and girls*Sexual violenceTraffickingSexual harassmentFemale genital mutilationChild early and forced marriageStalkingOther harmful practicesFemicide

* The Violence Against Women and Girls category includes legislations that are not specifically addressing one or several particular forms of violence.

New Institutional Mechanisms
More than 95% of institutional mechanisms for domestic and intimate partner violence were established after the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action 1995.
Created with Highcharts 11.3.0110033131319196060959520320311911988882121Number of institutional mechanisms for domestic and intimate partner violence established19601970198019901995200020052010201520202025

Support Services

105 Countries

Provided training to the police to support survivors of violence against women.


1 out of 10

Prevention initiatives specifically targeted men and boys.

Emerging trends

Global uptick in measures to address technology-facilitated violence against women

More than 90% of measures were adopted since the 2030 Agenda in 2015, with the Asia-Pacific region taking the lead.


Track progress and hold governments accountable for building a world where every woman and girl enjoys a life free from violence.

Experiencing Violence?