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Call to action: Counting on a sustainable future for all through gender and environment data
Call to Action: Counting on a sustainable future for all through gender and environment data
gender climate change brief
Data-driven insights: The effects of climate change on gender and development
gender climate technical report asia-pacific
Gendered analysis of the impact of climate change on poverty, productivity and food insecurity
Efforts to measure the nexus between gender and the environment
Efforts towards measuring the gender-environment nexus in Asia and the Pacific
Tonga gender environment survey
Survey report|Environment
Gender and Environment Survey Report: Kingdom of Tonga
Forecasting time spent in unpaid care and domestic work
Brief|Economic empowerment
Forecasting time spent in unpaid care and domestic work
Statistical bulletin Senegal unpaid care and political participation
Statistical brief|Economic empowerment
Statistical Bulletin on women's unpaid care work and political participation in Senegal
Kenya Inequalities in Wellbeing
Report|Economic empowerment
Inequalities in wellbeing in Kenya
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